Friday, November 02, 2007

Blogging Again!

I've been off the blogger circuit for a while now and happy to finally be back into it (blame it on Facebook!). I've had a lot that I've been meaning to blog about, lots of pieces that I began to write, meant to post, but never quite got around to it. Procastination is a disease I'm desperately seeking a cure from, so if any of you have any special potions out there to recommend, pls do!
Anyhow, please excuse the out-of-dateness of some of the posts you'll be reading, but since I had enough of an opinion to start to write about them in the first place, I'm going to go ahead and post them anyway! Some of them are issues that still bug me, a little :-)


Omodudu said...

Why do I sense u'd be gone for another few months...hmmm we'd see...

Saymama said...

Have faith. I'm trying to make more time for my writing. Didn't know you were a fan :-)

Anonymous said...

glad to see your blog updated. i like what i read. i cannot wait for more. i have one request...a poem every time you blog