Finally. I'm getting around to starting my blog. I've procrastinated doing this for almost 2 years! But today, I've decided, is the day.
So amongst the plethora of topics that will be graced by my commentary will be tonite's big thing. The Oscars. Pardon me for my mild enthusiasm, but this is the first time I have gotten to watch it live in quite a few years. So here, I get to indulge in my passion for fashion and film.
Tonite is Oscar nite! My personal list of favorite hits and misses:
My favorite nominee,Jennifer Hudson, yet my biggest disappointment is her dress. A miss. After all the hoopla and she ends up in that dreadful lifeless dress. That's what happens when you let Andre Leon dress you up. You end up looking like something short of a drag queen :-(. In spite of this, however, Jennifer still has my vote to win. And I truly hope she does.
Cate Blanchett - gorgeous grey glittery number.
Reese Witherspoon - looked glowy and confident. It's allowed after a divorce.
Kate Winslet - lovely in pale green.
Helen Mirren - one of the sexiest women over 50. Inspiration to us all to want to age gracefully and beautifully.
Beautiful and graceful and elegant Djimon African brother
Maggie Gyllenhaal - shocker - lovely dress. A sure hit.
I'll be back when Hudson wins. My bet. Care to join me anyone?
So amongst the plethora of topics that will be graced by my commentary will be tonite's big thing. The Oscars. Pardon me for my mild enthusiasm, but this is the first time I have gotten to watch it live in quite a few years. So here, I get to indulge in my passion for fashion and film.
Tonite is Oscar nite! My personal list of favorite hits and misses:
My favorite nominee,Jennifer Hudson, yet my biggest disappointment is her dress. A miss. After all the hoopla and she ends up in that dreadful lifeless dress. That's what happens when you let Andre Leon dress you up. You end up looking like something short of a drag queen :-(. In spite of this, however, Jennifer still has my vote to win. And I truly hope she does.
Cate Blanchett - gorgeous grey glittery number.
Reese Witherspoon - looked glowy and confident. It's allowed after a divorce.
Kate Winslet - lovely in pale green.
Helen Mirren - one of the sexiest women over 50. Inspiration to us all to want to age gracefully and beautifully.
Beautiful and graceful and elegant Djimon African brother
Maggie Gyllenhaal - shocker - lovely dress. A sure hit.
I'll be back when Hudson wins. My bet. Care to join me anyone?
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